The increase in the number of fitness junkies who will buy anything that has the term ‘healthy’ slapped across it, is certainly getting out of hands in recent times. The problem isn’t in the fact that these fitness junkies want to live a life that is healthy and fulfilling with bodies that are slim and lean – the problem is the well intentioned misconceptions that become gospel.   These fallacies lead to a people mistakenly believing they are sick when they are healthy and weak when they are robust.

In current times, there are several products that are displayed as the perfect ‘detox’ solution – and funnily enough, there are tens of thousands of people who would even pay every single day to buy these juices that claim to successfully detox them. There are also several ‘detox diets’ that sound awfully promising – if only the world shed some light on the truth. However, the fact of the matter is that this word gets thrown around way more than it needs to.

Have You Been Poisoned?

Unless and until you have been poisoned, there’s absolutely no reason why you should take up on a diet that claims to ‘detox’ you regardless of how many reviews that you’ve heard or how many of your friends swear by it. A human being is born with a superefficient system that knows how to filter out all, or at least most, of the harmful substances that you consume.

This superefficient system consists of two organs that are connoisseurs of toxin-bashing: the kidneys and the liver. The duty of the kidneys is to filter our blood to keep it clean and healthy, while also eliminating the toxins and waste from the body. The liver, on the other hand, is responsible for the development of medications and to detoxify any chemicals that we may ingest.

The power duo formed by these two organs ensures that our bodies are a natural decontamination powerhouse. This is one of the most important things that you should know if you intend to live a life that is healthy and in the pink.

Juicing Does More Harm Than Good

A lot of these detoxifying diets are liquid diets instead of being solids. As far as science is concerned, most or none of the foods or drinks that are labeled to be ‘detoxifying’ are actually more effective than plain water. If you really want to help your liver and kidneys do their job, drink plenty of fresh water. You don’t need external substances to detox your body. As aforementioned, your body can take care of that without the use of juices that are actually loaded with sugar. Harvard studies found that while consuming whole fruits such as apples, grapes and blueberries reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, consuming just the juice increases the risk.  If you eat apples, your cholesterol drops, compared to just drinking the juice.

Most of the detox liquids are made through the process of juicing. This procedure itself is flawed on so many levels that it’s extremely ironic why people would turn to it instead of just aiming to consume solid fruits and vegetables in their natural form.  Removing the fiber also removes the phytonutrients bound to the fiber.  These non-extractable polyphenols have a variety of positive health effects.  But to get the effects they must be liberated from the fiber by our gut flora.  Our gut bacteria actually digest the fiber, turning it into short chain fatty acids, which helps inhibit the growth of bad bacteria and increases mineral absorption.  This can help increase bone density by increasing calcium absorption.   This fiber is vital for colon health, increasing blood flow and fluid uptake.

Save Your Money

All of these detoxifying diets and drinks naturally just exist to make you spend your money on yet another thing that you can live without. Instead of buying these, just eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink water and you’ll get great results!


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