Since the time that fruits were first discovered, their benefits have been known widely to all human beings. People consume fruits in great quantities in order to fully avail as many benefits as they possibly can through their utilization of fruit. Not to mention, the various kinds of fruits that bring about various kinds of benefits. For instance, oranges are known mainly for the high amount of Vitamin C that they contain, while bananas are known for their abundance of potassium.

The main reason behind the growing popularity of fruits is mainly due to the fact that it’s almost impossible for one to find a more natural or legitimate source of these vitamins other than fruits. However, extensive research shed some light on the secret or hidden dangers of fruits.

Juicing Is Not As Good For You As You May Think
Not everyone has the time or the energy to cut fruit into pieces and really ensure that they’re eating all of it in one go. Besides, leftover food barely ever tastes as good as fresh fruit. Thus, a lot of people make the conscious decision to turn to juicing – the process of blending the fruits in a device in order to ooze out as much juice as possible, because it is easier to consume it in liquid form.

Although the process of juicing seems simple and harmless, it’s not. You might think that it’s the perfect way to start your day because this will help you stay full of energy. However, researchers have found that juicing could actually be enabling the growth of cancer cells in your body and possibly lead to diabetes as well, due to the high amount of sugar that is present in these juices. You also decrease the amount of soluble fiber and diminish the nutritional absorption of juiced fruits.

The Ugly Side of Fruit
Not all fruits are created the same. Apples and oranges are literally extremely different. Oranges have lots of Vitamin C but are loaded with sugar. Apples on the other hand, much lower in sugar and still high in vital vitamins and fiber. To lose weight and reduce sugar intake, try cutting back these fruits: bananas, grapes, pineapples, mangoes, oranges, dried fruits, raisins, dates, melons, peaches, sweet apples and juices. Instead eat tart fruits: raspberries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, strawberries, and tart apples like Granny Smith, Fuji, and Pink Lady, which are lower in fructose sugar. We think of fruit as healthy, and it is true that fresh fruits are high in vitamins, minerals, and living energy.

You should always opt to treat fruits as you would treat a candy that’s overloaded with sugar. Add more vegetables to your diet instead of fruit, try more leafy greens, crunchy cruciferous vegetables and colorful peppers, squash, tomatoes and enjoy!

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